Ethical Compliance
Ethical Statement
John Crop Development Ltd procure products, especially from Vietnam via our in-country office, suppling these products into the UK, EU, Australia, and the USA.
We are committed to giving our customers a sustainable and technically compliant product.
Part of the principal integrity of the business is to source product ethically and provide support for both the grower and customer.
This unique cooperation enables products to be both commercially, technically and ethically sustainable.
We have a commitment to the ETI base code and Global compliance criteria.
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
One of our most basic beliefs is that everyone should have the opportunity to work in a respectful and professional environment. All our employees have a personal responsibility for maintaining a respectful work atmosphere, free of abusive or unprofessional conduct.
Our commitment to respect in the workplace extends beyond our organization and includes working with all our suppliers nationally and internationally to support a fair and respectful workplace for all. Working with our suppliers and partners we promote ethical principles and practices with the aim of preventing the exploitation and abuse associated with modern slavery and human trafficking worldwide. We also expect commitment to these principles from all organizations with which we do business and will not support or do business knowingly with organizations involved in slavery or human trafficking.